Wanamaker Road Baptist Church
Monday, January 13, 2025
... being and making disciples, by the power of the Gospel, to the glory of God

Pastor Job Announcement

 Pastor Job Announcement


Wanamaker Road Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas is seeking a bi-vocational pastor.  We are a small traditional Southern Baptist Church in southwest Topeka.   We are a mission-minded church participating in many outreach activities.  Along with Sunday AM & PM Services, we also have a Wednesday night Prayer Service. We are prayerfully seeking God's next pastor to lead us. If you feel God is directing you to our church, we would love to hear from you.


      A man who is qualified as outlined in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9

      Accepts and agreements with the Baptist Faith and Message 2000

      Seminary degree helpful but not mandatory

      Committed to serve the Lord Jesus Christ as pastor/teacher.

      Have strong interpersonal skill and the ability to relate to all age groups

      Have strong leadership and organizational skills

      Provide for visitation of potential new members as well as current members, shut ins and hospital/home visits

      Have a strong devotional life making Christ his first priority

      Have a heart for missions and outreach

      Lead the church in an effective program of witnessing and in a caring ministry for persons in the church and community.



      Statement of faith

      Resume with work history, education and a brief biography of your immediate family

      Audio/video or a link to a sermon




      Website: www.wrbctopeka.com

      Facebook @wrbctopeka 

      email: pastorsearch@wrbctopeka.com

      mailing address:

Wanamaker Road Baptist Church

c/o Pastor Search Committee

PO Box 4764

Topeka, KS 66604